Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Album Cover

What do you see?
Two legos. a cube, a big L, shadows, a monochromatic background and an album cover.

How is the work organized?
The structures and the legos are in a line parallel to the sun. This produces the shadows to create the sinister background and atmosphere of the photo.

What is the artist trying to communicate?
The fear and frightening moment of a person, creates the sinister atmosphere for the metal album cover.

What do you think of the work?
I think it was one of my best photos, it really looks like an album cover.

Hours of work: 7 hours
Graphic designer: $25 dlls per hour
Photographer: $100 dlls per hour

I worked 4 hours as a photographer and earned $400 dlls. As a graphic designer I worked 3 hours and earned $75 dlls.

Pay check: $475 dlls.

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